About Us

Yes Natural Trading (M) Sdn Bhd (811714-D)
In today's world, the abuse usage of chemical food additives create a vicious cycle that threatens the physical and mental health of human beings. The ecological system has also become imbalanced and many species are facing the risk of near extinction due to heavy pollution of the earth with the extensive use of chemical fertilizers.
Our philosophy is to preserve ecology and to provide consumers with only the finest products available. Yes Natural, offers a comprehensive selection of certified organic and natural products, these products are free from artificial additives, colorings and preservatives.
In line with our concept of going back to nature, we also carry a range of non-toxic and all-natural household product.
Now, everyone can continue to enjoy nutrition the natural way. Whatever your desire, we got it from organic to natural.
To build a tripartite business relationship with partners (manufactures, retailers and consumers) based on values of mutual trust, cooperation and gratitude in the aim of achieving the following:
- To promote the well-being of our body, mind and spirit
- To live life to the fullness
- To restore the vitality of the earth
- To benefit future descendants
- To establish sincerity and mutual trust within the society